Traditional Chinese Medicine Acupuncture

Filipa Rodrigo
Specialist & Editor
Specialist in Traditional Chinese Medicine
Zhan Zhuang Chi Kung Practitioner
Chinese Dietetics and Macrobiotic Consultant
Lifestyle and Health Consultant
Editor of Tesouros da Medicina Chinesa Magazine
My Vision of Healing
Learning the best way to transmit my knowledge to my patients has become my main goal. Disease, undoubtedly, results from a combination of long-term factors present in our society. Understanding how to read our body and realize the impact this factors have in our daily life becomes the basis for change. The therapies of Chinese Medicine focus not only on returning the body to its optimal balance but in keeping it and, ultimately, increasing our health.
Work experience
Traditional Chinese Medicine Specialist
2009 - present
Concierge Specialist
Centro Clínico de Paio Peres, medical clinic, Portugal
Associação Tesouros da Medicina Chinesa, Portugal
Licensed Acupuncturist on Silver Spirit MV
2012 - 2013
Steiner Company on board a luxury vessel
2010 - present
2010 - present
Bachelor in Traditional Chinese Medicine
2004 - 2009
ESMTC Portugal and Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine 南京中医药大学
Monograph on “Patologia mental e emocional segundo Giovanni Maciocia”, mental disease etiology
Mathematics Applied to Economics and Management
2010 - 2011
Instituto Superior de Economia e Gestão, 1st year
Nanjing University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China
Trainee on Acupuncture, Traumatology, TuiNa massage, Pediatrics, Gynecology and Herbs
Chi Kung and Traditional Chinese Medicine
2005 - 2009
Traditional Chinese Medicine on ESMTC clinic, Satwa Clinic and Gabinete de Medicina Chinesa, Lisboa, Portugal
Chi Kung for the Elder on “Associação Unitária de Reformados, Pensionistas e Idosos do Seixal”, Portugal
Workshop “Oriental Art – ChiKung and Prevention”, 1st Jornadas ACES Seixal-Sesimbra, Almada, Portugal
Chikung for children from 1th to 4th grade, “5 movements and animals”, Elementary School N1 of Abóboda, Cascais, Portugal
“The Benefits of Energetic Exercises” Qigong conference, Sociedade Portuguesa de Naturalogia, Lisboa, Portugal
Complementary Qualifications
Seminar on Nutrition: facts and myths, Prof. T. Colin Campbell, Lisboa, Portugal
Course on Jing Fang Classical Herbal Formulas, Lisboa, Portugal
Conference on Jing Fang Herbal Formulas, Dr Huang Huang, Lisboa, Portugal
Congress of Traditional Chinese Medicine, 7th ASA, Solothurn, Switzerland
Practice on Sports Medicine, Monte da Caparica Atlético Clube, Portugal
Conference Surfing Medicine, 1st Annual Meeting, Sagres, Portugal
Course “Evolve and Involve” developing media literacy skills, Romania and Hungary
“Seminário de fórmulas clássicas”, Salustino Z. Wong, Lisboa
“A Cura pelo Chi”, Chi Kung, Dr. Toshihiko Yayama, Fátima, Portugal
Course on Macrobiotics Cookery, Instituto Macrobiótico de Portugal
Chi Kung Seminar with master Lam Kam Chuen, Amsterdam
Course on Foot Reflexology, ESMTC
Chi Kung for children and adults with Peter den Dekker, Italy
“Healing Through the Spine” Dorn and Breuss, Clive Radda, Lisboa